With Christmas just around the corner, here’s a few ideas of how to bring some nature into your home and make your garden a peaceful and relaxing place this season.
1. An Alternative Christmas Trees
When decorating for Christmas, we usually start with the tree and make it the main focus of our festive décor. But a real tree can be hard to get home, difficult to keep from drooping and messy when it drops its leaves; and storing a plastic tree for eleven months takes up space a lot of people can’t afford. So how do you get that Christmas look without one?

A great alternative is simply using sticks! I know, it sounds more like stacking a kindling pile then a beautiful art piece, but hear me out. Start by gathering up branches and twigs in different sizes. To keep the tree hanging straight and secure, use twine to link the branches, keeping to your tree shape. Once complete, tie a loop of twine at the centre of the top branch and hang your tree from a strong hook.
With a tree like this you can create a handmade masterpiece that brings nature into your home while saving on both space and cleaning. Add some sparkle with lights and ornaments, and you have a fabulous, eco-friendly Christmas tree that can be broken down in January.
If you prefer your tree to have a bit more foliage, then a rosemary bush is perfect. It can be trimmed into the shape you like, smells amazing and come January can be planted into your garden to be used all year round.

2. Dress Your Table A Little Differently
The perfect table setting looks amazing when your guests arrive, but it can become an annoying juggling act when you’re sitting down to eat and trying to find space for all the amazing food. So why not decorate up!
A feature above the table made up of foliage, leaves, decorations and even lights can create the perfect festive atmosphere, wowing your guests with very little effort. Use branches from trees like Bay or Eucalyptus as they keep their shape and colour as they dry, as well as smelling great. Thin branches are light and can be easily held up using hooks and some fishing wire, creating the effect of floating in mid-air. Add in some battery powered lights, Christmas ornaments and even flowers to create some festive magic.

3. Divide Your Backyard
When food, presents and clean-up are finished, it’s time to relax. Dividing your garden into sections can create the perfect area for some downtime, while still leaving space your kids play. Find some comfy seats, side tables and foot stools for adults who need somewhere to put their feet up, their drink down and take an after-lunch nap. Make sure your grass is mown and weed free for little feet that need to run. And clear a section for those big kids amongst you, who have some new toys and gadgets to play with!

4. Iconic Outdoors!
If your garden is looking a little boring and needs some TLC before the festive season, give us a call! Iconic Outdoors are pro’s when it comes to retaining walls, paving and all kinds of garden projects. We can help you design the perfect entertaining space for you and your family this Summer and take away the stress. Don’t let the silly season get you, call us today on 6360 1001 to get started!
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